Thursday 22 September 2011

Boehner's amazing technicolour dreamcoat

The amazingly arrogant letter penned by Boehner & his Fellows-of-the-IQ-deficient association (FIDA) and delivered to Chairman Bernanke interrupted, rudely, whilst in the chair at the FED's two-day monetary-policy meeting, demanded no further monetary-policy action...?? Anecdotally it's the blind who with a skip & a chuckle and grappling in the dark for the hand of the sighted attempts to lead the sighted safely through the global economic traffic-snarl...

Flying in the face of expectation, America's politicians continuously dredge the sludge of incompetence in bewildered drudgery without coming up for breath. Just how they do it so consistently well remains a modern Congressional - vocation understood by few, if any, non-political 2-legged hominids.

Drunk on the life-juices of ordinary American men and women these jesters of the political court continue to nuzzle the trough for more. The ghosts of leaders-past, grim-faced and humourless, stride the dung-speckled halls of Congress weighed low in chains of shame. America's obituary shall read 'We knews dem 2 be fools but we's failed 4 we's 2 foolish 2 be better'.

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